Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Random lines, random thoughts, a small perspective

Work hard and smart,

Respect is all about give and take,

Life is all about what you make of it,

It’s the journey not the destination that counts,

It describes the way you take things which come your way,

There is always an option but we plainly ignore to take notice of it,

Every crossing, every turn, every junction, leads to an unknown place, don’t fret coz it’s the experience you gain is the gold you earn,

In the race to be in the larger picture of the world, we often ignore the small things in life which actually makes us real happy,

Seeing through the eyes of the life itself, makes me yearn more of it,

It’s about living on the go, meeting new challenges everyday be it big or small,

Living on the edge of the cliff with the struggle to be on top of it while being calm and composed makes you feel alive!!

Happiness is not in the things what we want but in those things which we actually get/need,

Random kindness and humbleness is the way of life,

We try so hard to become what we want to be but still it turns out in a way that we become what we actually are,

Don’t regret what have you done so far, just look forward what you still can be,

Life gives you things as and when it is needed to move forward/ahead but not the way as we want,

Music is my life,

I write what I feel like and the way it should be,

Trying to make the sense out of life as it should be, not the way it is portrayed.

Trying to make  a name source out of me to become a namesake,

Much to write but less a word. I stop here!!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Love, happiness, that strangely special feeling

Sometimes it feels like there should be someone/something, apart from friends and family,

who cares for you,

misses you,

wants you by his/her side for no reason,

gets upset, sad if he/she doesn't hear the sound of the voice of that  special someone which keeps the person going all day long even if the world goes upside down for him/her,

Being on the phone for hours, even if not speaking a single word,

Sitting beside each other silently, holding hands and looking towards the view in front of them, which looks like scenic view even if the actual view is not,

Smiling at the very thought of the person even if the day is going hell down under,

makes you believe that this world is the dearest place to live in rather then any other place if it ever exists,

makes your day by a faintest of smile of that special someone,

makes your day by a very thought of that special someone,

makes you believe that nothing is ever lost, it just changes shape, form and comes back to us again,

makes you believe in the words "HOPE" and "BELIEVE"

Keeps you kind, humane and subtle

And that feeling is simply called "LOVE"

Being in love with a particular person is not a necessary factor for this kind of feeling but being in love with anything which is priceless, dearest of all for you. Even if you are not in love with someone/something or yet not have realized and or identified, just feel it inside you and you'll be happy for no reason.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


It’s been time since I logged on to my blogger account, even I forgot that I had a blogger account and used to pen down my thoughts into the electronic diary a.k.a my personal blog, but something today as I was as usual after dinner having a stroll out in the building campus and listening to every genre jumping from soft to EDM to rock to R&B music etc. happened that some thought or the other instigated inside me to write some crap again ,must have been some lyrics in some song that must have provoked me into thinking deeper into the uncharted and forbidden territory  of the that particular words  of the those lyrics and yet again forcing me to rethink what actually is life meant to be and why are we living on this planet, what is our purpose of living?

Now, I start with one simple question “WHAT ARE WE?”

For this I really don’t have a valid answer because we all are unique individuals and have a different thinking and thought process all together which might create a difference of opinions.

But our thoughts really different from each other’s?. What I think is that our thought processes are different but the thoughts we come up with are one way or the other, same, but with different angles attached to it, not much to bother about it though, just a thought. Writing down things above have deviated me from the original question.

We as human beings are a bunch of self-proclaimed, self-inflicted, self-ish beings. I am not trying to blame and condemn the whole species, no offence, but seeing it as a whole what are we trying to show each other, competition?, self-portrait?, better than one another?, or is it in the word of unique that we often trying to see the brighter side of world and its people end up seeing the world and its people as we see fit or we desire the way as it should be?

YOU DECIDE!!!  As we all are UNIQUE individuals we must be having different opinions from each other, and those opinions I really want to know. So think about it for a minute with a clear mind as to “WHAT ARE WE?” and let me know of those thoughts in the comments box below this post.

Your thoughts awaited.